The "File" menu performs typical Macintosh file menu tasks: Open... Displays a standard file dialog so that you can select the beginning of a numbered PICT file sequence to be loaded into memory. PICT-Play will load all of the files in the sequence until it either runs out of files or runs out of memory. As each frame in the sequence is loaded, it will be displayed on the screen. If you with to stop this loading process mid-way through, simply press the mouse button. You can only "open" a PICT file sequence when none is currently loaded. Append... Append provides the same functionality as open, except that the newly loaded frames are appended to the frames which are already loaded in memory. If no frames are loaded, then this menu item is not available. Close Select this menu item to close (remove from memory) a PICT file sequence. This can also be done by selecting the close box of the movie's window. If no frames are loaded, then this menu item is not available. Quit Close the PICT file sequence (if any) and quit the PICT-Play application.